
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Updates


Blackhawk remains committed to providing a safe space for all students, faculty and staff. Our current policies on COVID-19 reflect the latest guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control and local health officials.

Currently, our guidelines include:

  • Face coverings are optional, and we ask that you respect the decisions of others to wear a face covering or not.
  • Disposable masks and hand sanitizer are available throughout campus.
  • Do not come to campus if you’re experiencing any COVID symptoms – even if you’re vaccinated. Please stay home, notify your supervisor or instructor(s), and get tested.
    • If you test positive:
      • The current isolation period is at least five days. (The date of symptom onset or test collection is considered day 0.) After 5 days, if you are asymptomatic or your symptoms are resolving (greatly improved and without fever for 24 hours), you may return to campus. You should wear a mask around others until 10 days have passed since your symptom onset or the date your positive test was collected. You are responsible for informing your close contacts. The CDC defines close contact as "someone who was less than 6 feet away from an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period." 
    • If you were exposed to a COVID-19 positive person:
      • You do not need to quarantine but should monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and wear a mask around others for 10 days. (The date of your last close contact is considered day 0.)
      • Get tested on day 6, or if you develop symptoms.
        • If you test negative, continue monitoring and wearing a mask around others through day 10.
        • If you test positive or develop COVID-19 symptoms at any point, isolate and refer to the test positive protocol above.
      • If you are unable to test, you can end your quarantine 5 days after your last close contact with someone with COVID-19, if you have been without COVID-19 symptoms throughout the 5-day period.  You should wear a mask around others until 10 days have passed since your exposure. 
    • If you have COVID-19 symptoms:
      • If you are sick, do not come to Campus.
      • Isolate and seek a test.
        • If you test negative, you can end your isolation.
        • If you test positive at any point, isolate, refer to the positive test protocol above.

Please note:

  • Eating and drinking are no longer restricted to designated areas.
  • We are not limiting the number of students in a classroom.
  • Please be mindful of others’ personal space and preferences.
  • You no longer need to notify Campus Safety if you test positive.

Frequently Asked Questions

View additional details about our response:

The Rock County Coronavirus Response Hub provides information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in Rock County. For more information, please visit

Here are some things that everyone can do to slow the spread of germs and viruses:
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Stay home and isolate if you are feeling sick.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. If a cough or sneeze sneaks up on you and no tissue is available, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs.

According to the CDC, a primary series of the vaccine is considered fully vaccinated. For children ages 5-17, a primary series consists of 2 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. For persons 18 and older, a primary series consists of: 

•    A 2-dose series of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna)
•    A single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson)

Blackhawk strongly encourages all faculty, staff and students to be vaccinated against COIVD-19. However, the College does not require it. Some clinical and intern sites may have placement requirements depending on the nature of the work done at those sites. 

Vaccination options and locations may be found on the Rock County website.

The College does not require students or employees to be vaccinated. However, some clinical and intern sites may have placement requirements depending on the nature of the work done at those sites.

BTC Campus Safety and Security Office has a limited number of take-home test kits available for students and employees.

Employees and students can order test kits online for free at

In addition, testing locations are available throughout the community. Visit the Rock County Public Health Department website for more information at

If you are vaccinated, have received a booster and are exposed to someone with COVID, you do not need to quarantine but masking in all indoor spaces is encouraged.

If you are not vaccinated or are more than six months out from your second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) and not yet boosted, we advise that you isolate for 5 days and return to campus only if you are asymptomatic. 

If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or are sick, please notify your immediate supervisor or instructor and stay home. You should monitor your symptoms and notify your health care provider for guidance.

If you test positive for COVID-19, the College is following the latest CDC-recommended isolation and quarantine protocols. Please isolate for 5 days. After 5 days, if you are asymptomatic or your symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), you may return to campus. Once you are back on campus, please follow the protocol of wearing a mask in all indoor spaces as identified above. 

You are responsible for telling your close contacts your COVID status. The CDC defines close contact as “someone who was less than 6 feet away from an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.” 

You no longer need to notify Campus Safety if you test positive.

If you are exposed to someone with COVID and have received your booster shot, you do not need to quarantine following exposure. But please continue to mask.

If you are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from your second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) and not yet boosted, you should isolate for 5 days and show a negative COVID test before returning to campus.

Blackhawk is continuing to monitor what is happening around our nation and region regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). All updates will be sent via email to Blackhawk students and employees. In addition, updates will be shared on our website ( and made available on our Coronavirus (COVID-19) web page ( Students and employees are also encouraged to sign-up for SAFE Alerts

Face coverings are optional, and we ask that you respect the decisions of others to wear a face covering or not.

If you are traveling out-of-state as part of a College-sanctioned function or event, you must be vaccinated. If an overnight stay is required, regardless of location, individuals must be vaccinated, and each individual should have their own room. Additional expenses related to single room occupancy will be eligible for reimbursement. All College-related travel is subject to cancelation by the College. Please make sure room reservations and related expenses can be canceled or reimbursed.
Eating and drinking is not restricted on Blackhawk campus.

Individuals should continue to practice physical distancing, if they would like. 

Classroom capacities have resumed to pre-pandemic levels.

Resources for Students

College buildings are open for in-person and online classes. We remain committed to our mission: flexible education in a supportive environment, and understand that some students still have additional support needs during the ongoing public health crisis.


About HEERF Funding

BTC has received HEERF grants from the US Department of Education through the CARES, CRRSAA, and ARP Acts. The grant funding provides direct relief to help students address expenses and hardships they incurred during the coronavirus national emergency. Read the College's HEERF Reports here.
© 2024, Blackhawk Technical College. All rights reserved.